Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Kindness is an attribute that we all have but to feel stronger over others, many become inconsiderate. They feel that being kind is a sign of weakness.

Sometimes when one person is being kind, others feel they can suppress them because that person won’t reciprocate. They feel that they can easily take an advantage to fulfil their self interest. A kind person might be soft and gentle hearted but is never a weak person. Kindness is actually a sign of greater strength. A kind person is able to put their own needs aside to help those who are more in need. It is only a kind heart who tries to understand other people’s pain before they feel their own. A kind heart is a big heart that is willing to give and share what it has. When such people take a stand, they can even change and heal an unkind heart.

Never take advantage of those who are kind. Kind people are healers and we need more such people to heal the world.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

#kind #strength #never #weak #people #self #wisdom #positivity